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Single-serving poetry April 19, 2006

Posted by fungus in Uncategorized.

Different mooods, five minutes of intense scribbling, some sort of satisfaction with the result, hence the post.


‘Tis Xanadu, where I
and you reside, the sky
this wondrous piece of firmament
to this love is testament
This Earth, once barren and mean
now flows vast, pregnant and green
The birds, they flock in wondrous feather
for you and I are now together.

The Furniture and I

I flipped the switch and lo,
the world was plunged into darkness
The furniture tiptoed – silent and slow
and moved in ways I can but guess

The chair stuck out its wooden leg
and sent me crashing to the floor
Your pardon, it said, I beg
and rocked in silent uproar

The wooden chest was just as cheeky
and opened a drawer above my head
and the carpet – prostrate yet sneaky
sent me crashing into the bed

When skin and wood met, the wood
won fair and square, I must confess
I found the switch and flipped it good
My state, at best, a holy mess

What terrors awaited me in slumber
I could not fathom, and oh, my pain!
Would the demons me outnumber?
I dared not flip the switch again


1. kaurwakee - April 19, 2006

In Xanadu I close my eyes but I can still see
Strings of dewdrops tied and yet free
Fragments of small dreams and golden dust
Spread in the sunset skies of red and rust

Tis place I once touched as a wanderer
Sparkles in memory with elliptical spendour
Still lures me, Xanadu,a place so mystic
Raindrops of hope on this quintessential cynic

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